
Moritzbergs Ironman

(Michigans White Lightning x Marielunds Amir Hi Hope 33')

AMHA / AMHR / EUSAM, blue roan, 2023,

Moritzbergs Ironman
Moritzbergs Ironman
Michigans White Lightning
Michigans Man of Steel
Michigans In The Spotlight
Marielunds Amir Hi Hope 33'
Aloha Acres Amir OR IC 3
Mountain Meadows Amir 33'
Lucky Four Impressive Marietta 32'
Lucky Four Galahads Impressive
Lucky Four Apaches Sweetheart
 AMHA 243750 / AMHR pending

Manny is a very refined 50 % shetland bred colt. Rare blue roan coloring. 
Homozygot black. Will stay around 32".  Sweet and easy character. First one who comes, always calm and relaxed. 

Color Test:     E/E        a/a        LWO/overo: negative
Dwarf Test: negative